Hello, my name is Jean Macdonald

I am known as the Midlife Midwife because I help midlife women reinvent themselves for the second half of their lives.
Most women go through some sort of midlife transition, usually around 45 to 55, where they experience anxiety, stress and fear about what the future holds. However, eventually they wake up to who they really are and what they want out of life.
I liken this to the change from being a Caterpillar to becoming a Butterfly.
If you are somewhere in this process, may I welcome you to the Midlife Butterfly Club?
I started this Club aiming to give you:
- Clarity about what is happening to you.
- Confidence that you can take control and change your life as you want to.
- Certainty you know who really are, where you are going, and there is a bright future for you on the other side.
You deserve it.
Love Jean x
Here is a video of me explaining more about the midlife transition
Introducing the Midlife Butterfly Club Magazine
Our main way of telling you about the midlife transition is through our magazine.
This is a rolling series of twelve short articles, videos, and links to podcasts of interviews with Experts interviews which aim to explain. support and guide midlife women through this difficult time.
Below you will see some articles currently in the Magazine. Click on any one to read.
Tips for Healthier Living 3
Women Who Overcame – Anita Roddick 1942-2007
Food as Medicine
To see all the articles currently in the Magazine click on the link below
If you like what you have seen and heard so far, can I suggest you consider joining the Club for extra facilities and support?
You can join as a Silver Member at no cost? See what you get as a Silver member below and click on the link.
Membership Options
Silver Membership helps you understand and deal with issues that affect modern women in middle life. We do this through our online magazine. Like other magazines, it is there for you to dip into whenever you can spare a bit of time. What we call midlife transition is not just about Menopause, although we certainly talk about Menopause. Give it a try and join now at no cost. Unsubscribe any time you want.
When you are ready, this is the level to learn how to start making changes in your life. You will have the help of specialist experts and access to our Resource Centre with courses, programmes and seminars to give you training, guidance and support so that you know how to move towards the life you want.
Approx. equivalent £20 and E25 If you are paying from the UK or another country the system will automatically convert to your local currency.
Gives you more personal support and guidance with a bespoke programme and you are part of a team of other women going for significant and lasting change in their lives. This is an intensive process with mentorship from Jean and the Expert Team so that you can achieve significant and lasting change in your life.
This is a limited duration programme usually lasting twelve months. By invitation only.

What do I get from joining the Butterfly Club?
We offer three levels of progressive membership to support you as you progress through your midlife transition.
Silver Membership
This level aims to explain what happens in your midlife transition and
encourages you to see it as a positive experience.
We do this through our Online Magazine to fit-in with your busy lifestyle. You get short articles and videos to inform, guide and inspire you about issues that affect and afflict midlife women, with practical tips on how to deal with them.
You also get recordings of interviews with women who have successfully negotiated their midlife transition so that you can learn from their experiences.
You can become a Silver Member at no cost immediately to get full access to the Magazine.
Gold Membership
When you are ready, Gold Membership is for you when you are ready to start making changes in your life.
You will have access to our Resource Centre to give you training, guidance and support to make the changes you feel you are ready to make so that you can move towards the life you want, rather than what other people want from you.
The cost of Gold membership is $24.95 per month or £19.95 per month.
You can also ask me or our Experts for guidance on what programmes be of most help to you now so you don’t waste your time on things that are not of immediate use to you. The cost of Gold membership is $24.95 per month or £19.95 per month.
Platinum Programm
At this level, you are ready to make significant changes in your life – like changing your career or partner.
Make Your Choice

What Our Members Say About Us

I am so thankful for the Midlife Butterfly Club. I now know that what I am going through is normal and that there is support out there. It’s nice to talk to other woman who know exactly what I am going through.
Lindsay Dennison

The Midlife Butterfly Club is exactly the support I need while I find myself wondering where I’m going and what the heck I’m here for at the age of 50!! It is very reassuring to be in touch with others who are going through it too.
Rosaleen Nelson
Membership Options
Silver Membership helps you understand and deal with issues that affect modern women in middle life. We do this through our online magazine. Like other magazines it is there for you to dip into whenever you can spare a bit of time. What we call midlife transition is not just about the Menopause, although we certainly talk about the Menopause. Give it a try and join now at no cost. Unsubscribe any time you want.
When you are ready, this is the level to learn how to start making changes in your life . You will have the help of specialist Experts and access to our Resource Centre with courses, programmes and seminars to give you training, guidance and support so that you know how to move towards the life you want.
Approx. equivalent £20 and E25 If you are paying from the UK or another country the system will automatically convert to your local currency.
Gives you more personal support and guidance with a bespoke programme and you are part of a team of other women going for significant and lasting change in their lives. This is an intensive process with mentorship from Jean and the Expert Team so that you can achieve significant and lasting change in your life.
This is a limited duration programme usually lasting twelve months. By invitation only.
If you didn’t receive any value from this course, I personally give you our money back..
No commission fee or contract.
If you are not yet ready to join the Midlife Butterfly Club, come back regularly to read the new articles in the Magazine and we hope you find them helpful.
Recent Articles from Our Magazine
Tips for Healthier Living 3
Women Who Overcame – Anita Roddick 1942-2007
Food as Medicine
To see all the articles currently in the Magazine click on the link below.