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Do you feel there should be more to life than the life you are living now? 

Do you feel you are a woman wandering in the dark?

Are you living the life others want for you,
rather than what you want for yourself?

Do you feel confused or uncertain about your future?

Is it time to wake the formidable woman within You?

If this is you, read on…

Transition is a
Time of Change

Most women go through some sort of midlife transition, usually around 45 to 55, where they wake up to who they really are and what they want out of life.

However, this transition is also a time of change, anxiety, stress and fear about what the future holds. 

We liken this to the transition from being a Caterpillar to becoming a Butterfly.

If this is you – Welcome to the Midlife Butterfly Club

We aim to give you:

Clarity about what is happening to you.

Confidence that you can take control and
change the things in your life that you want to.

Certainty that you know who are,  where you are going, and that there is a bright future for you on the other side.

 If this resonates with you so far, we suggest you have a look at our online Magazine. There you will find a variety of articles, videos, and interviews which aim to explain. support and guide midlife women through this difficult time.

If you find these helpful you will know you are in the right place.
Click on the link below to go right there now. 


Hello, my name is Jean Macdonald

I am known as the Midlife Midwife because I help midlife women reinvent themselves for the second half of their lives.

I began my mission by writing my book Love Sex and the Midlife Woman. I quickly realised midlife women face issues that go far beyond intimate relationships. These include Health, Wealth, Confidence and Family.

We call ourselves the Midlife Butterfly Club because the woman’s midlife transition is like the journey made by a Caterpillar to become a Butterfly. It is inevitably uncomfortable but with a beautiful outcome.

Our aim is to provide you with information, guidance, and inspiration to support you going through your ‘Midlife Transition’. In addition,  you can  listen to and learn from other women who have successfully navigated their own midlife transition.

If you are a woman in middle life feeling confused and isolated, then join the Butterfly Club to gain clarity about what is happening to you, confidence that you can deal with it, and certainty you can create a bright future for yourself.

Join the Butterfly Club now as a Silver member, at no cost, to access helpful guidance for midlife women.

Plus get your Joining Bonus of 12 Frequently Asked Questions about what it means to be a Midlife Woman and decide whether you are one!

Click on the link below to check it out.

Love Jean x

New midlife Woman to Midlife Butterfly Club

Our Purpose & Manifesto

The Midlife Butterfly Club aims to Wake the Woman Within and release the energy and talent locked up in midlife women, which our society doesn’t yet recognise or value.

As the Dalai Lama says, the best hope for the western world is its women.

Together we can change our society for the better!

Join the Butterfly Club

Wake the Woman Within

You can join the Butterfly Club at co cost immediately by becoming a Silver Member to get full access to our Magazine with tips, hacks, videos and podcasts to learn about your midlife transition and receive regular updates about what is happening and coming up in the Butterfly Club.

Then when you feel ready to take action to change your life, you can progress to become a Gold Member and access our Experts and Contributors to learn what they can do to support you on your journey.

As a Gold Member you can access our Resource Centre which has many tools, courses, and programmes to deal with different aspects of your midlife woman’s journey.

Gold Membership costs $24.95 per month or £19.95 per month.

If you feel you need more structure and personal support and guidance, you can join our Platinum Programme where you will have a personalised programme and be part of a team of other women going for significant and lasting change in their lives.  You will also receive mentorship from Jean and the Expert Team. This is a limited duration programme usually lasting twelve months.

Platinum Programme costs $124.95 or £99.95 per month. At the end of the programme you can return to being a Gold Member to stay connected and ensure you hold your gains.

We look forward to you joining us.

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What Our Members Say About Us

I am so thankful for the Midlife Butterfly Club. I now know that what I am going through is normal and that there is support out there. It’s nice to talk to other woman who know exactly what I am going through.

The Midlife Butterfly Club is exactly the support I need while I find myself wondering where I’m going and what the heck I’m here for at the age of 50!! It is very reassuring to be in touch with others who are going through it too.

The Midlife Butterfly Club  offers us the support and knowledge we need as midlife women.  As a retired teacher,  I know the value of correct knowledge. “Knowledge is Power” was first written in 1668 in the book Leviathan by T. Hobbes.

BC logo with butterfly

What do I get from the Butterfly Club?

Silver Membership
We equip our members with the knowledge and tools to deal with the annoying day-to-day issues, disappointments, and frustrations of middle life.

Our Online Magazine is set-up to fit with your busy lifestyle. You get a steady flow of short articles and videos to inform, guide and inspire you about issues that affect and afflict midlife women, with practical tips on how to deal with them.

You also get recordings of interviews with women who have successfully negotiated their midlife transition. These are available as audio tracks to download to your phone and listen to while doing other things.

Gold Membership

You will have access to our Meet the Experts pages so you can connect with specialists in areas that midlife women must deal with either now or in the future.  I record interviews with our Experts and their interviews are available to you as podcasts so you can listen to them on your phone while cooking, cleaning, driving or walking the dog.

In the Resource Centre you will find tools, courses and programmes to give you the training,  guidance and support you need to make the changes you feel you are ready to make so that you can move towards the life you want, rather than what other people want from  you. You can also ask me or our Experts for guidance.

Platinum Programme

When you join the Platinum Programme, you will have the opportunity to review your personal situation and needs and discuss them with me or another Tutor.

Then we will create a personal bespoke plan of programmes, courses, and coaching sessions to meet your personal support needs.

You will get a monthly review call to check on progress, difficulties and issues that have come up for you. Midlife women’s lives are never predictable!

We run group sessions with other members so you can feel you are part of a group of women who are meeting and overcoming similar challenges.

This programmes is of limited time duration, usually twelve months, and then when the job is done you can return to being a Gold Member.

Make Your Choice

Decide now at which level to join the Midlife Butterfly Club and get clarity on your present position, confidence to deal with and change it, and certainty about your better future.

If you change your mind before the end of the first month and decide the Butterfly Club is not for you, you can cancel and get a refund of your full subscription under our Money Back Guarantee. Give it a try!

Membership Options



Silver Membership helps you understand and deal with issues that affect modern women in middle life. We do this through our online magazine.  Like other magazines it is there for you to dip into whenever you can spare a bit of time. What we call midlife transition is not just about the Menopause, although we certainly talk about the Menopause. Give it a try and join now at no cost. Unsubscribe any time you want.



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Recent Articles from Our Magazine

Club News & Magazine Update

Over 200 people a month come to visit the Butterfly Club website. I hope most of these are women interested in their midlife transition and the issues it brings up.…

Become a Silver Member – It’s Free!

Silver Membership of the Midlife Butterfly Club cost's you nothing but you get a lot for it.  When you join as a Silver Member you get access to the more controversial…

Life begins at 40. Do you agree?

You may be familiar with this phrase as the title of an evergreen song by Sophie Tucker which contains some encouraging and sexually explicit sentiments. It sums up my view…

If you are not yet ready to join the Midlife Butterfly Club, come back regularly to read the new articles in the Magazine  and we hope you find them helpful.

Click here for Magazine

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