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British Gangsters

Thank you for your messages of support and advice about my continuing battle with British Gas.
You might think it is a bit excessive for me to call them British Gangsters.
However, what would you call it if a big organisation set you up with an account without your knowledge or involvement and started charging you for something you hadn’t had? Then when you didn’t pay, they threatened to take you to court for the money. Moreover, they make it impossible to speak to anyone in that organisation.

British Ga(angster)s British GasBritish Gas adopt this see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil because you can’t speak to them unless you have a Username and Password, which I don’t have as I didn’t set up the account.
They claim that not having the facility to speak to anyone is a virtue because it keeps prices down.
They say they are the cheapest supplier of Electricity and Gas to businesses.
That may be true, but the sneaky thing is they have pushed up their standing charges almost to the same cost as the energy itself. Most busy people do not have time to work it out when they get their statement and the money has already gone,  Need I say more?
My advice is to steer clear of British Gas if you can. If you are with them, do not fall out with them, as it could cost you dear.
British Ga(angster)s Small is Beautiful Look for a smaller more friendly energy supplier because ‘Small is Beautiful’.
This is the title of a book by E F Schumacher, whose subtitle is ‘A Study of Economics as If People Mattered’.
Therefore, the corollary is ‘Big is Ugly’ where people don’t matter. It certainly applies to British Gangsters.
Thank you for listening.

Love Jean


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