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Wellness is so much more than Health

Wellness is so much more than Health

When was the last time you actively observed yourself being healthy, well and full of vitality?

Seems like an odd question. But have you noticed that you only remember being well when you are or have actually been ill? The assumption is if you are not ill, you must be healthy. Wellness is so much more!

When we are young we enjoy ‘rude good health’. We may get brief illnesses, but then bounce back and don’t think about it much. As we grow older, we become less resilient.

Health and Wellness

Not many people over 35 enjoy continuous good health.
Most of us endure a state of low-level illness which doesn’t stop us from doing what we have to do but does affect our quality of life.

Optimum health is mostly a do-it-yourself job, based on understanding your body’s needs, testing things out, and common sense. As we don’t all have identical bodies or living conditions, different solutions are needed for our body types, temperaments, and lifestyles.

Below you will find some articles and videos we have put together to give you valuable information to help you understand what is going on for you.

Top 10 Tips for Better Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for mental and physical health, yet many of us struggle to…

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How well can you get?

When you have toothache your attention is almost completely taken up by the pain.   …

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Managing Your Menopause. Eat Less Crap

Eat Less Crap – Managing Your Menopause

Eat Less Crap and Eat More Food to Manage your Perimenopause Here is another in…

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Video – What Midlife Women Should Know about the Menopause

Finally, Menopause and its social impact are being discussed openly.           …

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What can you do to improve your wellness?
You can’t do everything at once so we have divided into broad categories for you to address the ones that need you attention first. In truth however, they all work together to provide Wellness and none are more important than another.

In the Gold members area we deal in depth with what is happening with each of the following areas, what are your likely needs, and what you can do to improve things.

Medical advice varies widely and so do the symptoms and levels of discomfort that different women experience. We aim to give you non-medical practical advice to alleviate the most common symptoms by natural means.

We all know the importance of more and better sleep but don’t know or take the practical steps to get it. Probably we don’t have a strong enough reason. We help you find the compelling reasons for you and take the necessary action.

As we reach middle life we put on weight and lose what remains of our youthful figure. We start dieting and exercising but it makes no permanent difference. Modern research explains our digestive system and how the right kind of diet can bring it back under our control.

This was no-go area for discussion and a source of fear. Today we know much more about the mind and many of the causes are discoverable and manageable. Individual cases vary widely but when we know the general causes we can get help to bring our mind back under our control.

Where and how you choose to live makes a huge difference to your health and wellness. Basic issues like air and water need to be included. Both short-and long-term planning and action can put you on the road better health and wellness.

There is much to learn and do if you are serious about improving your Health & Wellness. You may ask why bother. You may not care when you die but you may be more concerned about how you die. Too many people die in pain, poverty and without dignity. We help you make the better choice!

Our Experts

Johann is a certified sleep science coach and health coach. She has appeared many times in the media; radio, podcasts, TV, magazines and newspapers and is an award-winning entrepreneur.

She helps to educate, inspire and empower people to take control of their lives and live a healthy lifestyle with better sleep through online courses, webinars, corporate talks, group coaching programs, seminars and live interviews.

Johann is also the host of The Empowering Family Health Podcast. Johann believes everything is better with better sleep.

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Our Experts

Johann is a certified sleep science coach and health coach. She has appeared many times in the media; radio, podcasts, TV, magazines and newspapers and is an award-winning entrepreneur.

She helps to educate, inspire and empower people to take control of their lives and live a healthy lifestyle with better sleep through online courses, webinars, corporate talks, group coaching programs, seminars and live interviews.

Johann is also the host of The Empowering Family Health Podcast. Johann believes everything is better with better sleep.

To find out how to become a Gold Member of the Butterfly Club click here

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