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How well can you get?
How well can you get

When you have a toothache, how well can you get?  The pain almost completely takes up your attention. At that moment, perfect health feels like simply not having that toothache.

What we often forget are the day-to-day discomforts that we barely consider illnesses: back pain, headaches, blocked sinuses, and sore feet. These issues are so commonplace that they are almost regarded as normal. In focusing on them, we’ve lost sight of wellness.

And wellness can drastically slow down the ageing process!

Let Us Go Back to Basic Principles

When high-performance cars race, owners ensure that every detail—fuel, tyres, lubricants, maintenance, and tuning—is the very best available. These factors often make the small margin that wins or loses races.

We are nearly all born with high-performance bodies. If we think of our bodies as high-performance cars, are we doing our best to ensure peak performance? Is the fuel we provide the most suitable, or just whatever is conveniently available? Do we clean the mechanisms regularly to ensure they’re in top working condition? Do we listen to our bodies’ varying demands and give them what they need?

Transforming Your Body’s Performance

It’s possible to improve so many aspects of your body’s performance that you can gradually turn it from an underperforming jalopy into a high-performance racing car.

But what about long-term illnesses and ageing, you might ask?

Addressing Long-Term Illnesses and Aging

Good questions! There are debilitating long-term illnesses that can severely impact a person’s life. However, unless diagnosed with a chronic (long-term) illness by the age of 21, most subsequent illnesses are self-inflicted.

This view may seem controversial, but with an open mind, you might come to agree. The encouraging news is that even if we’ve acquired illnesses through innocence, ignorance, or self-neglect, they are often reversible once we learn more about how our bodies truly work.

A Path to Wellness

This blog is designed to help you understand your body better. By learning from these posts and our experts, you can take the first steps toward reversing illness and achieving optimal wellness.

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