Find Out What Happens To Your Money
How much money do you need to live!?
A Tracking Solution
Let Sue Weighell of Delta Solutions introduce you to it
When I was a child, my Dad was paid weekly in cash. It was split between rent, utilities, food, and all the other necessities. We didn’t have phones, computers, a car, credit cards, or even a bank account!
We had to live on the cash we got each week. If we saved a bit each month we could have a family
holiday once a year to North Wales. Clothes were made for me. I always dreamed of having a bought dress!
I don’t suggest we regress our lifestyle to the old days but we need to get into the habit of budgeting, like the generations before. Credit has been the enemy of good money management. It is easy to get credit to solve immediate problems and then debts build up.
The Money Tracker helps people understand where their money comes from and where it goes. It doesn’t matter how much income you have you should always know where it goes. The effort taken filling in the Money Tracker now will help you a lot later!
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