How well can you get?
When you have toothache your attention
is almost completely taken up by the pain.
At this time, perfect health would be not having that toothache.
What we forget are the day-to-day discomforts which are barely considered illnesses, like back pain, headaches, blocked sinuses, and sore feet. These are so commonplace that they are almost considered normal. We have forgotten about wellness.
And wellness can also drastically slow down the aging process!
Let us go back to basic principles
When high-performance cars race, the owners ensure that such things as fuel, tires, lubricants, maintenance, and tuning are the very best available because they can account for the small margin that wins and loses races.
We are nearly all born with ‘high-performance bodies. If we regard our bodies as ‘high-performance cars, are we doing our best to ensure peak performance? Is the fuel we put in the most suitable or just whatever is conveniently available? Do we clean the mechanisms regularly to ensure they are in peak working condition? Do we listen to the varying demands of our bodies to find out what they need at a particular time and give it to them?
It is possible to improve so many things about body performance that you can turn it (gradually) from an underperforming jalopy to a high-performance racing car.
But what about long-term illnesses and growing older, we hear you say?
Good questions! There are debilitating long-term illnesses that are capable of blighting a person’s life. However, unless you are diagnosed with a chronic (long-term) illness by the age of 21, virtually all subsequent illness is self-inflicted!
This view may seem controversial but if you are open-minded you may come to agree with it. The good news is that, even if we have acquired these illnesses because of our innocence, ignorance, or self-neglect, they are potentially reversible once you know more about how the body really works.
I hope you will be able to learn more about how your body works from these posts and from our Experts.
Love Jean
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