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What Money Type are you?

What Money Type are you?
By Olivia Stephanino – Financial Management Expert

“Money is a powerful medium for life – and when we understand our emotional relationship with money, everything else starts to fall into place too…”

Have you ever wondered what story you’re ‘running ‘about money – and why the same frustrating patterns seem to keep repeating in your life, whether those patterns are related to money itself, your career, your business, your earning potential or even your relationships?

Financial and emotional well-being are two sides of the same coin and now – thanks to the ‘MoneyTypes’ emotional profiling system – understanding ourselves and other people has never been easier.

Brainchild of author, speaker, and executive coach Olivia Stefanino (left) – the ‘Money Types’ system creates an intriguing but simple language that reveals why we do what we do…

And the good news is that it isn’t ‘all about the money’. Indeed, understanding your unique ‘Money Types’ combination score reveals a whole lot more – including how to maximise your particular gifts and talents as well as showing you how to avoid the traps and negative patterns that may well have been tripping you up in the past…

Proven over the last decade, the ‘Money Types’ is a useful, effective and engaging tool for understanding both ourselves and other people more deeply, more quickly and more powerfully than ever before.

Who’s behind the ‘Money Types’?

Author of both “Be Your Own Guru-personal and business enlightenment in just 3 Days!” and “The Money Types Guidebook“, Olivia Stefanino has been working in the world of business and finance for nearly three decades – initially as a journalist and subsequently as a motivational speaker, executive coach and leadership trainer. Olivia currently works with individuals, families and businesses – helping them achieve BIG results in little time.


Ready to discover your ‘Money Type’ – and to find out how to play to your strengths and avoid the pitfalls of your shadow side?

Simply visit and answer 30 simple questions – and make sure to sign up for your FREE in-depth report, which is packed full of helpful, illuminating and even life-changing information!

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