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Freedom From Emotional Stress About Family And Friends At Christmas

Third Emotional Release Session by Anya Berry

The next most common source of worry and stress at Christmas is pleasing Family and Friends.
Anya has a short routine for us to relieve this particular source of stress.
Use it frequently to alleviate stress, anxiety and worry about this area.
I suggest you watch the video first to learn or remind yourself about the tapping technique.

Then download the audio track to your phone so you can repeat the process whenever and wherever it is convenient to do so.

Here is the link for the audio track

Enjoy and feel the release from pre-Christmas stress that it brings you.

Love Jean

Anya Berry is an Emotional Freedom Coach. She specialises in supporting Women to release themselves from past traumas, limiting beliefs and negative emotions in their lives to create a life of peace, happiness, and freedom. Anya works online with her
clients individually and in groups as well as face-to-face. Anya can be contacted at [email protected]


Money Tip for Holidays
Vix Munro is our Money Management Expert and she has created Twelve Tips on how to organise your money this Christmas. They are printed in full elsewhere in the Twelve Days and here we give you reminders one at a time.

2. Save for Christmas throughout the year.

Create a regular pot of money to cover the costs of Christmas and contribute money to it every month. Some banks (like Starling and Monzo) will let you do this in their app. It’s a bit late for this year but definitely something you can start from January. And saving regularly throughout the year will reduce any monetary stress at Christmas.

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