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Great Life, Cruel Death

Just before Christmas, I attended the funeral of a long-term friend who had a brilliant life and died at the age of 88.

Janet Sharrocks had been a Businesswoman, Educator, Coach, Mentor, Network Marketer, and Farmer, and had played Hockey for England.

By any standards, she had a well-lived life and had changed the lives of thousands of people during her long journey. However, she had a miserable death which she didn’t deserve.

She had developed Type 2 Diabetes in middle life and it had gradually slowed her down.

After her partner died, she spent the last 5 years on her own in a remote farmhouse unable to drive and unable to walk because of her diabetes. She relied on neighbours and relatives to drive her to hospital every week to have the underneath of her feet dressed so she could shuffle around her house.

Despite medical opinion. Type 2 Diabetes is reversal and avoidable.

The main cause of Diabetes is SUGAR.

I don’t mean the white granulated sugar you may put in your tea. We are talking about the industrial quantities of sugar hidden in most processed foods, from baked beans to crisps and from cereals to microwave meals.

Virtually all processed foods are laced with additional sugar and syrups, but most people don’t know. And Big Food and Big Pharma don’t want us to know because it would affect their profits.

A group of friends of mine have got together to produce an online educational event on February 6th to increase knowledge and understanding about the effects of sugar on our bodies and how to reverse type 2 Diabetes if you have it and avoid it if you haven’t.

The event is called SUGAR Who Is Really In Control?

I have been invited to host the event and hope you will join us.

Here is the link to find out more


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