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Advice about your life – Who can you Trust?

If you need advice about your life – Who can you Trust?

We have a growing industry of people offering help and advice to individuals about their life issues and problems.

Some of it is free and comes from people who are paid by Charities or the Government. Sometimes it is accessible through medical channels.

The other group are Counsellors, Therapists, Coaches and Mentors who offer their services in return for payment, sometimes large payments.

How would you know if they are any good or whether they are worth the money they charge? How would you know if they could do anything for you?

The answer is to TRUST YOURSELF. This requires doing some preparatory work before you commit yourself.

  1. The first thing to do is to get to know about the person who you will be working with. You will be entering into a business relationship where you are paying money for a service to be delivered to you.

One guideline in business is only work with people who you Know, Like and Trust. In the area of your life issues and problems, there needs a feeling of personal warmth, or you won’t relax enough to talk openly about them.

Thoroughly check out their website and if they have support group, such as a Facebook Group, join it and listen in.

  1. Second ask for testimonials from previous clients. Sometimes these are published on a website or in a prospectus. To ensure these are genuine, look for a name and photo. The next stage would be to ask if you can speak to that person or at least email them.
  2. You need to know something about the techniques they will be using. Inevitably you will be probing into past experiences. This is highly disturbing, emotional stuff and can upset you as your mind resists giving up some of its secrets. The more you understand what is happening, the more you can cooperate and benefit from the process.

In addition to asking your prospective ‘partner’ to explain what they will be doing, check out the processes they mention on Google and at your local library.


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