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How intelligent do you think you are?

Remember Being Called Stupid by a Teacher?

If a teacher ever called you stupid or thick, do you think you would remember it? It turns out they might have been the ones lacking insight.

The Narrow View of Intelligence

For the past 70 years, the British education system has largely focused on verbal and numerical test scores to determine intelligence. Teachers, who excelled in these areas, often couldn’t recognise other forms of intelligence.

Ignored Talents Beyond the Classroom

Many people have talents beyond alpha-numeric skills. The mainstream education system has frequently ignored these abilities. Musical, logical, debating, artistic, spatial manipulation, and design skills are often overlooked. This neglect has left many talented individuals feeling inferior.

The Shift to Multiple Intelligences

In the 1980s, Prof. Howard Gardner of Harvard University introduced the concept of multiple intelligences. He identified seven, possibly eight, types: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, and intra-personal. These intelligences can be learned, developed, and improved over time.

Beyond Traditional Intelligence

Other experts have proposed additional bits of intelligence. Robert Kiyosaki introduced Financial Intelligence, while Daniel Goleman discussed Emotional Intelligence. These new perspectives contrast sharply with the classic theory of intelligence used in IQ testing developed in the 1930s. This theory suggested that a person’s intelligence level was set for life and could be measured as early as age 11.

The Impact of the 11+ Test

The 11+ test, widely used for 50 years, measured alpha-numeric abilities and was considered the only legitimate measure of intelligence. This narrow view still prevails in the academic world. Many young people felt scarred, and told they were stupid and wouldn’t succeed in the world. Maybe that included YOU.

Recognising and Overcoming Unhelpful Categorisation

It’s crucial to recognise that many were unfairly categorised when they were young. As adults, we must address and overcome these effects. Some people proved their teachers wrong and became highly successful. However, many others performed below their potential due to the invalidation they received at school.

Moving Beyond a Dated System

Criticising individual teachers isn’t helpful; they were products of an outdated system. Recognising the unhelpful categorisation many experience and taking steps to overcome it is what matters. Ironically, alpha-numeric IQ is not necessarily fixed at age 11. Evidence shows that individuals can improve their alpha-numeric intelligence scores with the right educational processes, even as adults.

Helping You Discover True Abilities

At the Butterfly Club, we aim to help our Members discover and develop their true abilities and multiple intelligences. We focus on Financial and Emotional Intelligence, but we also assist those wishing to improve their alpha-numeric IQ. We support talented individuals sidelined by the education system due to disabilities like Dyslexia and Autism.

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Looking After You > How intelligent do you think you are?

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