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More Money for Midlife Women Progress

Vix Munro who is our Money for Midlife Women Expert, has done two interviews with me.

The first one is about strategies for having more secure money in middle and later life.
It is called  More Money for Midlife Women with Vix Munro

You can listen to the full interview as an audio track / podcast.   We make interviews available as audio tracks as you probably don’t have time to sit and watch the video versions which lasts around 20 minutes.

The Midlife Butterfly Club is acutely aware that midlife women are very busy and so we make all our articles and videos less than 5 minutes to consume and longer items, like interviews, are available as audio tracks.

If you are a busy midlife woman you can listen to the interview multiple times on your phone as you drive, exercise, do housework or other things.

Here is the link to  listen to this informative interview –

The second interview to follow soon

Love Jean

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