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Six Steps To Take Back Control of Your Life – Health and Wellness

As part of our ‘ Take Back Control of Your Life’ program, watch this 5 minute video on ‘Health and Wellness for Midlife Women’ with our guest expert Johann Callaghan.

True wellness is about more than just being ‘not ill’; it’s a continuous journey of self-care and improvement. With the right approach to self-care, we can aspire to not only live long but to thrive well into our 90s or even beyond 100, a prospect that our mothers and grandmothers couldn’t have imagined. – Jean Macdonald


For audio only listen to the podcast

Here is the link to the full video.

Johann is a certified sleep science coach and health   
coach. She has appeared many times in the media;
radio, podcasts, TV, magazines and newspapers and
an award-winning entrepreneur. She helps to
educate, inspire and empower people to take control
of their lives and live a healthy lifestyle with better
sleep through online courses, webinars, corporate
talks, group coaching programs, seminars and live
interviews. Johann is also the host of The
Empowering Family Health Podcast. Johann believes
everything is better with better sleep.

[email protected]

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