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Women who Have Overcome – Helen Keller

Women Who have Overcome – Helen Keller 1880 – 1968
By Dagmar Bryant

Do you ever experience a longing for something more?

And it’s not just anything more.
You aspire to doing something outside the norm. Because deep inside, you know that you are different, that you don’t fit into the box.

Have you ever felt like that?

We all hold aspirations for what we wish to accomplish but the path to getting there may not be straightforward.

Often that is because society tells us (or we tell ourselves) that we can’t do that, or we are not good enough, we are too old, too young, we don’t have the right experience etc etc etc and with that, our confidence starts to waiver, as too does our resilience.

In today’s article, I’d like to share with you Helen Keller’s story.

Helen Keller was an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer, who lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness when she was 19 months old.

She went on to be named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century.

Keller campaigned for those with disabilities, for women’s suffrage, labour rights, and world peace.

In 1909, she joined the Socialist Party of America and she was a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Helen Keller was a remarkable woman, who achieved more than many people do who have full sight and hearing.

When you think of your own journey and the challenges that you have had to endure, have these stopped you from being all that you can be?

Is there more in your life that you would like to achieve?

What is holding you back right now?

Don’t tell yourself that you can’t and don’t use excuses to hold you back.

You may be in your midlife, but you are also in the prime of your life.

There is so much more to life that is there for you to experience.
Value and cherish every minute and step into all you can be today.

Love Dagmar

Dagmar is a Coach and Speaker on Resilience, Empowerment and Wellbeing.

She specializes in guiding women who are disillusioned & unfulfilled in their work and life in general.

She offers to unlock your full potential and strengths and reignite your passion by utilizing her Breakthrough Break Free Road Map

Dagmar Bryant PhD is a UK based,Australian Motivational Speaker and Business coach who actively lives this motto.
“Life is not about sitting on the side-lines!   To achieve success, you  need to take calculated risks.”

Dagmar empowers and inspires women in a unique way – having gone through similar experiences that many women have. She encourages women to pursue their dreams and desires.

Dagmar Bryant PhD – Business Coach

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