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You are Invited to our first Live Online Event

Five Steps for women over 40 to get better results
and avoid rejection when Internet Dating

It will be on Monday 31st July at a 8pm UK time

Even if you are not interested in Internet dating, we will be talking about some of the important principles which affect and improve intimate relationships in middle life.

There is too much emphasis given to Romantic Love in couple relationships advice.
You may have heard me say Romantic Love is the first phase in the ‘Changing Face of Love’.
It is fine for youngsters looking for passion and excitement.

However, it doesn’t have much relevance to people in middle life for
at least three reasons:

1. They know romantic love is too intense and too short-lived for their needs.
2. Sex can be uncomfortable or hard work at this time and is much less important than companionship.
3. There needs to be a change in the power dynamic of the relationship in favour of the woman so that her needs can be met.

These issues are reflected in the strategy and tactics which we recommend a woman in middle life adopts for successful Internet Dating.

You can learn about the Five Tips we recommend for better experiences and better results from Internet Dating.
To find out more about this Free Online Event, click here

Event Details: The event will be online at 8 pm on Monday 31st July.
Login details will be emailed to you before the event.

A recording will be available to those who register.

An outline sheet of the Five Tips to Improve Your Internet Dating will be sent to you in advance.

Don’t miss out – register now, even if you are not sure if you can attend.  

To find out more about this Free Online Event, click here


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