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Woman watching. a happy couple

Jean’s Valentine’s Day Video Message if you are on your own.

Jean’s Valentine’s Day Video Message

My Val Day message is for midlife women who find themselves on their own this Val’s Day.

Temptation is to look longingly at couples of our acquaintance and wonder why we aren’t similarly part of a pair.

We are led to believe by social programming that we are incomplete without a partner.

This starts with fairy tales in childhood and goes on to RomComs when we are adults.

I don’t want to be a killjoy but just ask you to be realistic. We all remember the ups and downs of our youthful relationships and the pleasure and pain they brought with them.

We all want love and the more of it the better. But if that is only prospect of finding ‘love’ is the romantic passion of our youth then it is a grim prospect to be repeating all that worry and heartache in our 50s and beyond.

There are other ways of looking at this and other approaches you can take to finding the love you need and desire. I explain more about them on my Valentine’s Day video and other posts and articles in the Butterfly Club.

I hope you find this video a useful start to taking a new approach to Finding Love in Middle Life.

Love Jean

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