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Time Management & Stress

How many times do you hear people saying
‘I didn’t have time’, ‘
I ran out of time’
There wasn’t enough time’ ‘
I need to manage my time better’,
‘I need more time’.
‘I don’t have enough time to do all
the things I want to’.
Maybe you hear yourself saying some of these things, I certainly do!
There are twin issues with Time:                                                                                                     
Feeling short of time
Feeling you have too much to do.               
Notice the use of the word ‘feeling’. It may or may not be true but it is the feelings that cause us stress.
Ambitious people, which most of us are, tend to set themselves more to do than there is a reasonable time to do it. That is how you can tell they are ambitious. The result is that they are always unable to complete everything they would wish. Some, however, manage to cope with this ongoing situation in a relaxed way while others get really stressed about it.
Getting in control of our time means getting in control of ourselves.
Can those of us in the stress category learn to change and become more relaxed and calm about our workload? Is it possible this would make us more productive? Probably!
So how do we go about it? My experience is that there are no easy and quick answers.
Getting in control of our time means getting in control of ourselves.
For some reason, we try to avoid a very clear truth.
We all only have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week!     
Time is the most inelastic thing there is. It is a standard currency all over the planet. We cannot change it! All we can do is change ourselves.

So how do we change our relationship over time?

We have to start on two fronts.
One is the work or activities we undertake and the other is our mental attitude in relation to it.
On a practical front, we can get a clearer picture of what we are doing and why. This is a lot easier to say than to do. Imagine you are in the middle of a minefield. You may feel there is danger whichever way you move. You need a helicopter to come and lift you out or at least up enough so you can see the bigger picture.
It may also be that you are not completely free to choose how to use your time. You may be at the ‘beck and call’ of a demanding boss, partner, or child. This too has to be looked at from a higher viewpoint. Something to be said for being a Smoker! “No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you’d be more productive.” – Dr. Joyce Brother.

Our mental attitude has to be managed by gradual re-programming of what may have become a very corrupted way of thinking. There is no quick fix for this because it took some time for it to get like that.
It requires the building of new mental habits and these take some time to be installed so they can withstand the sudden demands of a busy life. We have to say that is one of the toughest obstacles to success and happiness to crack but with a steady application, it can be done!

The Butterfly Clun has evolved a number of tools and programmes to help its members
become better able to manage their relationship with time.

We have a Weekly Time Log to find out what happens to your time.
This can also be used as a Weekly Time Planner and Calendar.
We also have a Monthly Time Planner and Quarterly Time Planner.

We also have a booklet called Ten Tricks to Save you Time.

These tools, with accompanying instructions, are available to Gold Members of the Butterfly Club at no extra cost. 

I hope this helps your Time Management, which is really Self Management lol!

love Jean

Business > Time Management & Stress

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