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Get More and Better Sleep – Tip 6 Look after your basic needs first

Get More and Better Sleep –   Tip 6  Look after your basic needs first
from Johann Callaghan

Quote:  Everything in life gets better when you get more sleep.  Johann Callaghan

It does not serve us or our body to say we are too busy to take care of it.
We kid ourselves we will make time later to catch up, which we rarely do.

It is like the instruction you get on a plane. Put on your own oxygen mask first!
You cannot look after your loved ones well if you are sick and tired yourself.

Here Johann gives us some information I didn’t know about our Basic Needs.

Ask your self how you can bring them into your daily routine

Here is the link to watch the video. It is less than 4 minutes long.

Johann is a certified sleep science coach and health   
coach. She has appeared many times in the media;
radio, podcasts, TV, magazines and newspapers and
an award winning entrepreneur. She helps to
educate, inspire and empower people to take control
of their lives and live a healthy lifestyle with better
sleep through online courses, webinars, corporate
talks, group coaching programs, seminars and live
interviews. Johann is also the host of The
Empowering Family Health Podcast. Johann believes
everything is better with better sleep.

[email protected]

Quote:  Everything in life gets better when you get more sleep.  Johann Callaghan

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