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Midlife Couples on a Cruise?

I have just returned from a cruise and had a good time and met some nice people but some midlife couples did not seem so happy!

Unfortunately, even on holiday, I can’t stop myself from observing my special subject, which is Women in Middle Life.

At least half of the 1300 passengers were couples in middle life without children with them.

Of those a major part consisted of disappointed and unhappy-looking women and bored or boring-looking men.

The women were generally well-presented and well-groomed while the men were mostly overweight and underdressed. There were exceptions but very few.

I find myself asking the question why do so many couples descend into such an unsatisfactory state and yet stay together?

I could be wrong, but my answers are different for each sex.

For the Men – They have a comfortable life with an unpaid housekeeper to look after them. They have time to follow their own interests which are usually dominated by sport and drinking.

For the Women – They don’t feel able to build a better alternative life on their own or attract a better partner at their time of life. Whatever dreams, ambitions and confidence they may have had earlier in life have been crushed or lost.

So what can be done?

There are ways that the sparks of love and fun can be rekindled among midlife couples but there must be willingness to change on both sides. Too often laziness wins with both partners, and they just carry on and try not to think about it.

The alternative is for the woman to take the initiative to break out of a loveless partnership by building her abilities, skills and confidence to be able to stand on her own feet to find a new partner if that is what she wants.


The second option is to join the Midlife Butterfly Club which exists to help and support you to rebuild your self-confidence if you find yourself in this situation.

We start this process by providing you with information, guidance and inspiration as a Silver Member of the Butterfly Club at NO COST. Find out more by clicking here

PS I will end with a saying used by one of my guides – Neale Donald Walsch –‘Maybe I am wrong about all this, but I don’t think so’
Love Jean
Midlife Midwife

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