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What I learned about the Perimenopause – In Hindsight

What I learned about the Perimenopause – In Hindsight
By Cat Settle

I began experiencing symptoms around the age of 46. The onset was imperceptibly gradual. I had never heard of ‘perimenopause’ and thought that ‘menopause’ was all about what happened AFTER periods stopped!

The symptoms I was experiencing finally escalated to such an intense level that I decided to seek medical advice and treatment just before turning 50.

For years, my attitude toward menopause had always been, ‘I won’t focus on it, I’ll let it happen naturally, I won’t use HRT, I’ll remain strong, and it will pass easily.’

What pushed me to my breaking point was a five-day period of severe and crippling anxiety. I realized this feeling was coming from within; there were no external stressors in my life that could explain it. Yet, I felt incredibly unwell—my heart racing, adrenaline surging, unable to sleep or calm down, and incapable of functioning normally. It was so terrifying that I feared I was at the beginning stages of a serious mental illness.

Thankfully, the GP was quick to talk about menopause and start a treatment plan. Within approximately 3 months I could feel the full benefits.

I started taking HRT at ages 49 and 51, I feel better than I did at 46. I sleep well, I have no hot flushes and I don’t ache all over anymore. My energy levels are good. I’m full of motivation again and I have a great sex drive!

If I had any advice to give it would be for all women in their 40s to pay attention to their well-being and read up on the perimenopause. Gather information, talk about changes, and try out solutions. We deserve to feel well and live our
lives to the fullest!

Please Note

This is the story of one person’s perimenopause journey.
Neither Cat nor we say
that HRT is right for everyone.
What we do say is you need to be open to trying different
things until you find the right solution for you.


Cat Settle

A property investor, coach and public speaker based in the Northwest of England.

She attributes a major part of her success as an entrepreneur to continuous improvement in her mindset. Her passion for growth has led her to develop services to support women entrepreneurs holistically to fulfil their ambitions and bring joy and balance into their lives.

Cat hosts ‘Book Up Your Life’ – a free book club for non-fiction readers that is delivered through short, weekly Instagram lives. Four years in, Book Club continues to grow with members enjoying social events in the UK and abroad!

“Bringing out the best in ourselves and the best in others is a way of life”

To join the book club: Book Up Your Life

To follow Cat: Cat Settle on FacebookCat Settle on Instagram

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