All About Us?
Most of our articles are about You, but if it is the first time you have visited this magazine, you are probably wondering who are these people and why are they doing this?
My name is Jean Macdonald, the Midlife Midwife, and my able Assistant is Andrea Pielago in the Philippines.
Together we run the Midlife Butterfly Club to support women going through their midlife transition and associated challenges.

We are helped and supported by a group of International Experts who contribute articles and interviews about their special areas of expertise, such as Health, Money, Intimate Relationships, Confidence and Family Issues.
You can find out more about us on the About Us page of the website, click here to go there https://midlifebutterflyclub.org/about-us/
In addition you will find our Manifesto which starts with the words
10,000 Midlife Women woke up this morning shedding private tears because they feel their lives are changing and moving out of their control.
It goes on to explain how we want to make their lives better.
Here is the link again: https://midlifebutterflyclub.org/about-us/
If you like what you see there and in this magazine, come back and visit us regularly as we have new articles coming out every few days.
Put this link in your favourites https://midlifebutterflyclub.org/magazine/
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