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How Family and Friends Can Hold You Back

Melanie Hill and I discuss how Family members and old Friends can sometimes create barriers that hold midlife women back.

Recently we ran a series of online seminars called ‘Six Steps for Midlife Women to Take Back Control of Your Life’. They are concerned with the six principal areas that hold midlife women back from fulfilling their true potential.  These are:

In this Friends and Family episode, I did a short presentation and interviewed Melanie Hill who specialises in this area. We discuss how family and friends can sometimes become barriers that hold midlife women back.

Relationships which were close and loving in childhood can turn sour and bitter in later life. We may keep up appearances but underneath there is an uncomfortable tension.

The same applies to friendships made in childhood. The friend expects you to stay like them in adulthood and fears your desire to change and get ahead. These can then turn into ‘toxic friendships’ and do no good to either side.

These are both made worse by the misuse of the word ‘love’ to create emotional blackmail.

Melanie says in this video clip that it all comes down to whose values you respect more -Theirs or Yours?

Now go to this audio link to listen to the full session.


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