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How is your Resilience and why does it matter?

How is your Resilience and why does it matter?
Resilience can affect our wellbeing, opportunities and mindset.

 What is Resilience?

According to the dictionary, it is:

  1. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, i.e. Toughness.
  2. The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape, i.e. Elasticity.

Are we more resilient today than we were pre-pandemic?

Or, are we feeling more vulnerable in these post pandemic times?

I guess it all depends on who you ask.

There are people and industries that have thrived during lockdown.

But then, there’s the people and industries that have really struggled.

For those people in the second category, are they able to recover from the events of the past two years and how long is that going to take?

Let’s think about this on a personal level.

Do you think all of this has had an effect on your resilience?

Of course it has.

The ongoing drama in the world has most certainly influenced our mental health and wellbeing.

There seems to be no end in sight to the constant misery or struggle if you listen to the news.

And maybe that’s the secret.

That we don’t constantly listen to what is being drip fed to us by the mainstream media.

My suggestion is limit how much you listen to what is on the TV or on the internet.

Find a way of being in your own ‘happy’ place.

I’m not suggesting that you ignore what is going on in the world, but you can limit your exposure to ‘negativity’.

It’s like radiation exposure. A little bit is ok. It can cure cancer and help you heal. Too much, on the other hand, will kill you.

When we take the focus off the external and instead bring it back to the internal, it gives our mind and body the opportunity to heal.

And with that it brings back our bounce and resilience.

It then gives us the ability to cope better, to make decisions from a stronger stance and not from a place of fear, vulnerability, and exhaustion.

When we come from a place of positivity, rather than negativity, we can look at situations as opportunities rather than blocks.

A positive mindset will help us to reach our goals and get things done. 

It’s like having a stronger immune system.

When our body has a strong immune system, we can stave off illnesses, or at the very least not be affected by the full brunt of the condition.

Likewise, from a mental health perspective, we are better able to deal with issues that come our way and that’s what I would like for you.

Protect yourself from negativity so that you can be more resilient and thrive.

What steps are you going to put into place today, to rebuild your resilience?

Tell me in the Comments below

Love Dagmar

Dagmar is a Coach and Speaker on Resilience, Empowerment and Wellbeing.

She specializes in guiding women in the legal profession who are disillusioned & unfulfilled in their work.
She offers to unlock your full potential and strengths and rDagmar Bryant PhD - Business Coach and Speaker on Resilience, Empowerment and Wellbeingeignite your passion by utilizing her Breakthrough Break Free Road Map
Dagmar Bryant PhD is a UK based, Australian Motivational Speaker and Business coach who actively lives this motto.
“Life is not about sitting on the side-lines!   To achieve success, you  need to take calculated risks.”

Dagmar empowers and inspires women in a unique way – having gone through similar experiences that many women have. She encourages women to pursue their dreams and desires.

Dagmar Bryant PhD – Business Coach


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