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Life begins at 40. Do you agree?

You may be familiar with this phrase as the title of an evergreen song by Sophie Tucker which contains some encouraging and sexually explicit sentiments.

It sums up my view that after 40, maybe today we can say any time after 40, you are free to choose the life you want, both in terms of intimacy and also many other aspects of life. After all with modern health and self care, we can expect to live at least as long again. Why waste it?

Also I heard that there was a book ‘Life begins at 40’ was the title of a book published nearly a hundred years ago.

Here is what I found on Wikipedia
Life Begins at Forty is a 1932 American self-help book by Walter B. Pitkin. Written during a time of rapid increase in life expectancy, it was very popular and influential. It was the #1 bestselling non-fiction book in the United States in 1933, and #2 in 1934, according to Publishers Weekly. Wikipedia

The big 40 birthday appears on the horizon and then approaches us with increasing speed.
The big surprise is that nothing seems any different.

The wisdom of this phrase seems to me that from around the age of 40, we have the opportunity to start taking control of our lives and making different choices.

How was it for you?  Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to hear Sophie Tucker sing the song – here is the YouTube link


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