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Money and You 1

Money and You

What is your Relationship with Money?
What do you think, feel, and most importantly,
say about money?

You may give a rational answer to these questions, which at the moment you believe.

However, we suggest you also observe and listen to yourself over the next few days. Listen to yourself thinking and talking about money. Above all observe how you feel when issues to do with money come up!

You may be surprised at what you hear. Our relationship with money has a huge impact on how we behave towards getting, keeping, or getting rid of it.

And often we are sabotaging our ability to attract money through our beliefs.

5 ways to attract more money into your life

1. Be clear about what you want

You will hear this a lot on the Positive Input website. And when it comes to money, it is just as important to be clear about what you want. Do you want £5000, £10,000, £100,000/ month/ year/ day!

Whatever it is put a stake in the ground, it gives you something to aim for.

2. Change how you think about money

If you were thinking about how much money you want did you find yourself putting a limit on it or not? What does this say about your relationship with money? We all have beliefs about money and wealth. Some positive, some negative, some related to how we see others, how others see us, and how we see ourselves.

Some negative beliefs maybe – I couldn’t ever make lots of money; I don’t like rich people; money is the source of evil. If you want to attract more money you need to see it as a friend, something that you deserve and something that you can get more of.

3. Access your creative side by de-cluttering

You may have piles of papers, bank statements, bills, receipts, and such simply lying about tormenting you. Take a deep breath and get clearing. Get rid of anything you have not used in over a year, put papers into order, and make a dedicated space for money matters. Sorting through your clutter can create more lightness in your life and help you to see things more clearly.

4. Make positive statements about money

This can be weird for some people but try some of the following affirmations or make some up of your own. When it comes to affirmations, make them present and already happening rather than something that you want.
  • My income is already growing.
  • I am attracting more and more money to me.
  • I deserve to have financial wealth in my life.
  • My life is full of abundance.

5. Take Action

It is good to think about getting more money but at some point, you have to actually do something about it. If you have ideas act on them. Make plans.

Think about what you like doing, what you are passionate about, and what inspires you, and start doing more of it.

Look at every successful entrepreneur – they have all pursued their passion and money has followed!

Go for it!

Love Jean

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