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Quick Tips for Healthier Living No 1

Quick Tips for Healthier Living No 1

Middle life is hard work for most women.
We need to be in good shape to deal with all the demands it brings.

The first area is to preserve, protect and enhance Our Health.
You may remember I disagree with the widely held belief that being Healthy means not being Ill!
That is why I favour the term Wellness.
There are many small, practical and natural steps you can take to improve your Wellness every day.

To help you do that I did a video interview with our Healthier Living Expert, Janette Derham, about maintaining and improving our health.

There is too much to remember and apply if I gave you the full 40 minutes in one go.

So I have made it into a series of short videos so you can take these habits on board one or two at a time.

To start with here is a short video, where I introduce Janette and she gives us her first tip for healthier living.

Love   Jean

Quote:   ‘We must take extra care to protect our health
because we live on an unhealthy planet’.  Janette Derham

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