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What’s your forgotten dream?

When we are young women, or even as children, we have dreams and visions about what we will be, do and have when ‘we grow up’.

Then life takes over and we get swept along by events and developments, which we mostly agree, with but can’t foresee the consequences.

In midlife life there often comes a wakening up point and we wonder what we are doing and where we find ourselves. Then the inevitable question comes, where am I going from here?

And what happened to those dreams and visions? Do you remember what they were?

I recall a midlife woman who when I asked about them said it had been her dream to study art and crafts. But she said she knew now it was too late.

Fortunately, my daughter was a mature student studying graphics at a local college. I put them in touch so my daughter could introduce her to the college. Last I heard she was doing her art course and fulfilling her nearly forgotten dream.

So what’s your nearly forgotten dream?  Dare you share it in the comments below?

Love Jean

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