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Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire No 4

Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire No.4

Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire  No. 4

Ignoring Early Signs of Bad Behaviour

These days we are becoming aware of many more cases of abusive behaviour of women by men.

That is not to say that the incidence of abusive behaviour is more widespread. Hopefully the fact that women are more willing to protest and make public these situations is a good sign. In the past many women would have suffered abusive behaviour in silence because they felt there was nothing they could do about it.

Our concern is not to get into a situation where we expose ourselves to the risk of bad behaviour leading to abuse.

There are usually warning signs, provided we chose to recognise them.

The key indicator I would suggest is Respect, not just for us but for women in general.  We may feel privileged that he is well disposed to us but exhibits disrespect to other individual women or women in general.

One test is how does he treat his mother, or if she is not around, how does he speak about her.

Whatever warning signs you observe, don’t ignore them.

Don’t believe you can educate him or change him later.  What you can observe now is just the tip of the iceberg.

I hope you find this video helpful.

Love Jean


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