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Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Do you consider yourself to be an Optimist or a Pessimist? Maybe you would say, like many people, it depends on the circumstances. Maybe you consider yourself a waverer between Pessimism and Optimism.

In case you prefer to watch and listen I have recorded a video for you 

Recently, I heard the quote ‘Pessimism is for Lightweights’. I didn’t know what it meant, so I thought about it until I understood it.

Can we accept that some people are more predisposed to Pessimism and some towards Optimism?   But if you had a choice, which would you choose?

Well, the good news is that you do have that choice. The bad news is that it is hard work to be an optimist, at first anyway. It requires effort to look for and find good things until it becomes a habit.

Is not being willing to make this effort what being a ‘lightweight’ means?

Is it much easier to go along with the prevailing tide of doom and gloom? If that is wearing a bit thin you can always tune into the media for a top up with news about the latest murders and disasters.

I have found that looking for the future good in your life requires you to look for the past good.

It seems to me the key is Gratitude for the good things in your life.

I adopted a practice a few years ago of writing a gratitude list every night before I go to sleep. This involves writing a list of five good things that have happened that day or that I have done and felt good about.

This was a bit of an effort at first. Now it has become a habit, the only reason I may not find five is that I fall asleep before I have finished. Sometimes I can’t stop, and it runs to six, seven or even eight.

I doubt my life has got better in recent years than it was before. The truth is that I did not notice or recognise then, the good things or feelings that happened in my life every day.

Do you think my life will get worse in the future?
I think it can only get better.
Does that make me an Optimist?
I hope so.

Are a waverer between a Pessimist and an Optimist?
Would you like to be more optimistic and less pessimistic?

If so, can I invite you to start to write a Gratitude List every night?
You can email me and let you know how you get on at
[email protected]


This Post Has One Comment

  1. I much prefer to be an optimist, and consider myself as such, but recognize that I can’t be an optimist all of the time. There’s a lot of negativity out there and I work on being around people who essentially look at the world from a cup half full perspective, rather than the cup half empty.

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