Menopause is a life stage that brings many unexpected changes for women. The physical and emotional shifts can be confusing and often feel overwhelming. Understanding menopause and its effects is crucial for navigating this transition with more awareness. As women go through menopause, the experience varies greatly from one person to another, leading to both common and strange symptoms.
Here is an article sent to me by Shannon Douglas, a member in New Zealand, from a Menopause Coach, Susan, in the US. It shows how international the Butterfly Club is becoming.
The Many Symptoms of Menopause
Susan says: Not many people realize that there are approximately 34 different symptoms of menopause, with each woman having an entirely unique experience. Along with the physical symptoms, menopause causes personality changes, mood changes, behavior changes, and emotional changes. Additionally, it brings other stresses, anxieties, fatigue, brain fog, forgetfulness, and confusion—the list goes on.
These symptoms and changes can result in strange behavior, low self-confidence, and low self-esteem that many women quietly try to contend with and understand. I guess that’s another reason why it’s called ‘the change’—because menopause alters you physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s a struggle to comprehend both yourself and the changes happening within you.
The symptoms take over, making you feel like you’re not yourself. Self-reflection can either be your greatest ally or your harshest critic. You can choose to accept the changes and work with them or feel embarrassed and self-critical due to the non-physical symptoms that affect you.
It’s not an easy road, and it is highly misunderstood. Due to these changes, we notice shifts in how people treat us—friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, and even strangers. It’s incredibly difficult to manage. So, before you judge, shun, or talk about a woman behind her back because of her changes and behaviors, and before you let those changes leave a lasting impression on you, take a moment to ‘pause’ and reflect.
Kindly consider that it’s not them, it’s menopause – aka the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. This article explains it perfectly. http://susanorehowsky.com/dr-jekll-and-mr-hyde-syndrome/
love Susan
Read Susan’s article and her story on her website.
Love Jean
More of these at the Magazine
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