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Who do you know? Club News & Magazine Update

Who do you know who is a woman aged between 40 and 60 who is experiencing worry and stress?
If you know someone like this, and we all do, you may find it difficult to talk to them about it.

I am pleased to say the Butterfly Club has made it easier for you to help them by the following three things.
1. I have made a short video explaining why the midlife transition is difficult for most women and how the Midlife Butterfly can support them by explaining, guiding and inspiring them through the process.
2. Our newly simplified website will give them a brief introduction to the Midlife Butterfly Club and why it exists, and then quickly introduce them to the most immediate benefit to them, which is our free online Magazine.
3. Our free online Magazine contains all sorts of short articles, videos and podcasts which give insights and solutions to the many issues that affect and afflict women in middle life.

So if someone comes to mind who you think would benefit from knowing about the Butterfly Club, please send them this link to watch the four-and-a-half-minute video and watch it yourself first.

What’s in the Magazine now

Getting Healthy for the Peri-Menopause – Audio Podcast

Philippa Bennett is a nutritionist and homoeopath who talks to us about the physiological changes during perimenopause and how nutritional supplementation and homoeopathy can drastically reduce the unpleasant physical symptoms of perimenopause and unwanted weight gain.

Recording length 27 mins. You can download it to your phone a listen to it offline as you do other things.

Breathe For Life No 1 – Jackie Brennan

In this video, Jackie brings us some fascinating information about breath and breathing, and its power to transform our health and our life.
She starts with a routine to clear a blocked nose.

Why do Midlife Women have a Love Deficit?

This is an interview with Jean and the well-known Chat Show Host Des O’Connor about The Changing Face of Love. He grills her on the following issues –

  • Why do Midlife Women need more Love, which I call a Love Deficit?
  • How old must one be to be a Midlife Woman?
  • Why call us Midlife Women rather than Middle-Aged Women?
  • What are the particular problems Midlife Women face?
  • What do I do to support Midlife Women?
  • What does the future hold for Midlife Women

The audio track is called Why Do Midlife Women Have a Love Deficit? – and runs for 20 minutes.

You can listen to it on your phone or download it to your phone so you can listen to it when and where you wish.

What questions are you asking yourself?

What-Questions-are you-asking yourself about your life?The most important questions for  women arriving at middle life are:
‘Who Am I now?’ and ‘What is my future?
They want to know ‘What is happening in my life’
and ‘What does it mean to be a Midlife Woman?’
If you have had teenage children, you will recognise a similar process as they struggle to come to terms with their life and body changes, but not yet understanding what is happening.
I have put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and my attempted answers.
When you join us as a Silver member we send you a series of short emails which contain these FAQs, one or two at a time, so you have time to digest the answers.

So you don’t miss these or any other articles. come and visit us regularly. Articles are only in the magazine for a limited time…
Put this link into your Favourites

What’s Coming up

Titles we are working on include:

1. Keeping the Love Alive

Falling in love is easy, but keeping a relationship strong takes effort, including good communication, self-discipline, and understanding the different stages of love.

The article talks about three types of love—Romantic, Working, and Mature—and the challenges that come up with each.

2.  How to manage Family and Friends for a Peaceful Life

Jean Macdonald and Melanie Hill discuss how family and friends can sometimes hold midlife women back.

They explore how raising children can leave lasting scars and how deeply our experiences shape both us and our children.

3. Quick Tips for Healthier Living No 2Jean and Janette Derham discuss The Air We Breathe! Modern lifestyles can deprive us of fresh air and make our homes more toxic than outdoors due to poor ventilation, mould, bacteria, and viruses.



4. Let’s talk about Money or Not!

Surveys show people prefer discussing sex rather than money. While talking about sex has become more comfortable, money is still a taboo topic. Yet, like sex, money can be exciting and empowering—it’s your tool to plan and achieve the life you desire.


We want to hear from you, our readers.
Do you like the articles we put in the magazine? Are there some you want more of or less of? Please email the editor at  [email protected]

Keep coming back to the Magazine regularly, if you don’t want to miss out.
All the articles, videos and audio tracks are only available for a limited time.

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