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Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire No.3

Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire  No.3

In the third of my videos about finding and keeping love in middle life, I talk about knowing what you want.

Following my idea that you should take the role of an interviewer, you should what they do!
That is to write down what you want.

It will be in two parts.
First is a Job Description which is what you want him to do.
The second is Person Description which is the kind of person you want him to be.

You may find this difficult at first but make a start and you will find your mind gets busy and will come up with various ideas.   Keep your pad close by and write them down.

I shall ask various experts I know to prepare examples of these two documents to include in the Resource Centre.

In the meantime, make a start.  You may very surprised and pleased with what comes out.

Enjoy!  Love Jean

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